Patricks' Story of Survival

Patricks' Story of Survival

🫀Patrick's Eye-Opening Account: Lessons Learned After a Life-Altering Cardiac Event🫀

Please, take 5 minutes and read. It WILL change someone's life. I promise!
Earlier this year, I was pleased to see Patrick in class for his CPR course. 
Patrick has been with me quite a few times over the years, and is one of my "frequent flyers".
This day, Patrick shared with me how he experienced a cardiac event at work, which could have easily cost him his life.

Although I have been training CPR courses out here in Dubbo for over 16 years, to hear this news had me shook.

I am incredibly glad that Patrick survived to share his story with us. 
Firstly, to know that "one of my own" had such a frightening experience, but almost instantly, I wondered if my training delivery was actually good enough to help in real life.
Patricks testimony validated my training methods, which really boosted my self confidence and passion for what I have dedicated my life too.
Realistic CPR scenario

⚕️Simulated CPR Drills for your Workplace⚕️

After Patrick shared the incident (which occurred at work), I decided that I wanted to offer Workplace CPR drills in real time, to Dubbo businesses.
I took this model for a test run!
Assurance Training & Sales hosted a Chamber Breakfast, and during this event I staged a cardiac arrest (Thanks to Matt Wright for supplying his bare chest!).
The Chamber Members present where called upon with no notice, to manage the realistic "co worker collapse" simulation. 
This included everything! CPR, application of an AED, and using the Emergency Plus App to give 000 our precise location using What3Words technology.
I was really impressed with the stress responses of our first responders- Cody, Erin and David who managed our scenario really efficiently.

Group CPR training with Dubbo Business Chamber-thanks Cody, Erin, Dave & Matt!

Now, lets dive into Patricks first hand account of his startling experience.👇

📢Patricks' Story of Survival📢

⛔Patrick's Morning: Early Signs of a Cardiac Event⛔
I was feeling a little discomfort in my chest when I woke in the morning around 0600, no pain at this point so I didn’t think much of it. 

The discomfort became pain after I commence work around 0730.
Within the next 15 minutes or so, I started to feel numbness in my jaw, pins and needles in my fingers and arm.
At this point I knew something was wrong, so I walked back to my office where I knew I had workmates to help if needed.

 🫀Swift Action by Trained Co-Workers: Lifesaving Response🫀

When I opened the door my two workmates looked at me. 

Their faces told me I was in trouble.
Both my teammates asked me if I was feeling OK which I replied, no. 

One of my teammates went to get help while the other stayed and asked if I would like an ambulance called.
Within minutes another team mate arrived and instructed my other two team mates to call the ambulance. 

One teammate was sent out to the site entrance and the other to get the defib from the main office.
They waited outside our office to ensure the ambulance was not wasting time looking for the site or office locations.
While we were waiting for the ambulance my teammate was constantly taking my pulse and asking questions about my health, medications, how I was feeling, what I was feeling etc.
Providing reassurance, constantly talking to me trying to lighten the tension until the ambulance arrived.
The ambulance arrived in less then 15 mins.
My teammate transferred all information to the ambulance crew.
The ambulance crew tended to me by placing cardio cords and taking heart readings, pulse and oxygen levels were checked.  

I was given medication then driven to hospital.

💪Real-Life Impact: The Vital Role of First Aid Training💪

Due to my first aid training, I was able to identify what was happening to me and get to help in a timely manner.

My team mates really deserve credit for first identifying so quickly that I was not well, then responding the way they did.
During the event I was very much aware of what was happening around me.
I am so impressed at how my team mates quickly turned from team mates to my life savers.
Sounds over the top but that’s what they had become to me.
Without their quick response or ability to keep me and themselves calm things could have turned out a bit different.
My test results came back that I had a blockage and a leaking valve with added high stress level at that time.
I have no doubt that my first aid training was the reason I stayed calm.
I was able to identify what was happening to me, how my teammates were reacting to the situation.
Everything that could be done was being done to control the situation.

🫶Teammates' Resilience in the Face of Post-Traumatic Stress🫶

Post event I got to speak to and thank my teammates for their care.

 All three were quick to tell me how at the time of the situation they just reacted on autopilot.
That their “first aid training kind of just kick in”  as one put it. 

Being trained in how to identify symptoms early was key to a timely response.
One thing that we are taught during first aid training is the post-traumatic stress that may occur after such an event for both patient and first aiders. 

I had one that informed me she cried and was in shock afterward while the other two were left shaking.
All three talked about the situation and were given time to deal with things post event. 

🙏Gratitude Amidst Challenges:

 Patrick's Thankful Reflection on Assurance Training 🙏

I would like to note that my teammates and I have all been trained in first aid by Assurance Training & Sales. 

I have been trained by Assurance Training for many years now.
I am so grateful to be trained by people who are able to deliver a training program that works.
I’ve always enjoyed my time learning from the team.
Thank you, Sam, for making training days fun and engaging.
Keep saving lives Assurance team!

Above: Max Stonestreet delivering Advanced First Aid

Related Links:

Who to Thank:
  • Special thanks to Patrick for sharing his story, Max Stonestreet for his dedication, and the Dubbo Business Chamber for their support.

Remember, first aid training can save lives. Get trained and be prepared!

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