Construction First Aid Kits
This tradie first aid kit is ideal for work sites with 10 people and construction site crew vehicles.
This soft pack first aid bag doubles as an autofirst aid kit and can be shoved under the front seat of your or thrown over your shoulder for first aid on the run.
Made from thick durable fabric suited to the Australian climate with strong zippers, the TradeMax10 has your crew of 10 covered for basic first aid.
This construction first aid kit contains all the essential first aid supplies to keep your crew on the go.
If you are needing a construction site first kit for a higher risk environment, you want to add on the major bleed kit.
*Safety is taken extremely seriously under Australian Law and is regulated by SafeWork Australia using model WHS.
Choosing the right first aid equipment in the trades & construction industry is a legal requirement which protects your business, employees, contractors, volunteers and visitors.
Tech Specs
Weight 1.5kg
Equilavelnt to R2 Workplace Response
Bag Dimensions 36 x 18 x 12cm
To ensure your First Aid Kit remains operational and free of unexpired items, use this link to restock after any incident, or minimum of every 12 months.