What is in a First Aid Kit?

What is in a First Aid Kit?

Samantha Kerr

Confused by too many choices when shopping for a first aid kit? Whats in a first aid kit? We've got you covered with a straightforward guide to  Australian first aid...

What is in a First Aid Kit?

Samantha Kerr

Confused by too many choices when shopping for a first aid kit? Whats...

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Patricks' Story of Survival

Patricks' Story of Survival

Samantha Kerr

Earlier this year, one of our regular trainees, Patrick, shared a harrowing experience during our CPR course in Dubbo. Patrick experienced a cardiac event at work that could have easily...

Patricks' Story of Survival

Samantha Kerr

Earlier this year, one of our regular trainees, Patrick, shared a harrowing experience...

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How to use an EpiPen (Adrenalin Auto Injector)

How to use an EpiPen (Adrenalin Auto Injector)

Samantha Kerr

Hi! Here is a super quick, simple set of instructions for administering adrenalin via auto injector "Epipen"

How to use an EpiPen (Adrenalin Auto Injector)

Samantha Kerr

Hi! Here is a super quick, simple set of instructions for administering adrenalin...

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What 3 Words...what is it and how can it save your live?

What 3 Words...what is it and how can it save y...

Samantha Kerr

Blog post under construction Easily find a what3words address for anywhere in the world We have divided the world into 3m squares and given each square a unique combination of...

What 3 Words...what is it and how can it save y...

Samantha Kerr

Blog post under construction Easily find a what3words address for anywhere in the...

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how does an aed work, CPR in conjunction with an AED is essential

Using an AED (defibrillator)

Samantha Kerr

AEDs are used to revive someone from sudden cardiac arrest. This usually occurs when a disruption in the heart's electrical activity causes a dangerously fast heartbeat (ventricular tachycardia) or a fast...

Using an AED (defibrillator)

Samantha Kerr

AEDs are used to revive someone from sudden cardiac arrest. This usually occurs when...

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